Lately I’ve been addicted (that’s too strong a word but that’s really appropriate) on 2 websites that give customers discounted deals for various establishments around town. They offer 50% or more discounts for food, wellness, shoes, cosmetic treatments, printing services and a lot more. Since the deals are available for a limited time, I’ve subscribed to their newsletter so I don’t miss any. I’ve been using up my “salary” buying out lunches for 10Euro instead of 22 for a complete lunch. I bought a 15Euro gift certificate which is worth 50 which I used to buy hubby’s winter jacket and my new boots from Tom Tailor (photo at the right, both totalling to 95 instead of 130).
I think these deals are really great, they introduce a new deal almost everyday plus a bonus weekly deal. This is like Cyber Monday deals in the US where you can shop and save upto 70% discount on toys, jewelry, dvds, game consoles, laptops and other gadgets. Stuff that interests hubby more than I but looking around won’t hurt, I might find something that interests me like a camera (again) or a new lens at half the price. So, let’s go and let’s browse!