“The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.”—Psalm 19:1.
There’s just too much talk about Evolution versus Creationism. Though those who uphold Evolution did lots of research and stuff to prove it, I still believe what the flowers, the bees, the birds, the ants even the spiders have to say.
“Denying the existence of a Great Designer is as illogical as denying the existence of the artist who made the blank canvas a work of art.”
Little bud, where did you come from?
sis, i just love your photos… they are art works, indeed. you should be proud of your creations. 😉
Thanks Doc! You’ve seen most of these before. =) You know the reason why I’m posting it with these quotes, it may not look like it and I might be discreet. This is my way of giving back what the Creator has given me. I made another blog which is still empty, but you might like it too so I’ll do some in it later…=D Thanks for alwas being kind. *Mwah* From the kids and I!
Beautiful beautiful! I love your photographs 🙂
Thanks for dropping by SenorE! I’d like you to know that I was moved by you and your blogs to post these stuff! =) I Thank you for that!
yep ganda talaga ng photos 🙂 saw them awhile back in flickr 🙂
Jenny, nagrerecycle ba? haha I just started this and Im making full use of those photos! Thanks there!!!
Love your so inspiring blogs!!!
Thanks Michelle! hope I could write more of this! TC!