Photo Hunt, stock photos · March 16, 2008Photo Hunt – I Spy I spy…a Sp(y)der! For more please visit: PhotoHunt. You might also want to join the SAHM Project (Stay At Home Mom Project). Simply click here. TweetSharePinShare0 Shares
What an unusal spyder! It has a big butt. hehehe….
what an interesting spider! love it!
happy photo hunting!
thanks eastcoastlie and maiylah…
Wow! I never seen a big yellow spider before. Nice one!
Yikes! I’m not so fond…but it’s a great capture.
That’s an amazing shot and great for the theme.
waaaaaaah I hate spiders even though this one bears my favourite colour: yellow!
Nice entry.
Have a good weekend.
he looks poisonous? great shot, but I hope you used a telephoto and didn’y really get that close!
a great shot.
He is beautiful! But I still wouldn’t want to get too close to him…
Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts
Oh, I love orb weaver spiders!
Do you know why they make the thicker, hour-glass shape in the middle of the web? To deter birds from flying through the web and destroying it!
Great pic for I Spy!
Captured By Gravity
Thanks for all the comments everyone…
This spider was very shy….I found it by a plant, and very near the soil and it won’t even move so I wasn’t afraid to come near =D
Just got a few clicks and left, it was really harmless but yes, I will not do it again…lol.
Hi Mo! Thanks for the input there! I’m sure the birds won’t come near, its the naughty kids that the spiders should be wary about though…good day!
I am amazed at the number of creative people in this photo hunt
This is for me the best theme so far, Sarge Charlie…you got wonderful posts too, but the one with Ms bee is really unforgettable 😉 Happy weekend!
I love closeups like this.
What a gorgeous photo!
Great take on today’s theme!
I played too 🙂
it didn’t turn around to give me a chance for a face photo, tnchick…and I didn’t bother him.
Thanks Jenty, good thing it didn’t creep you out.
Thanks Teena, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did…
LOL Dragonstar, didn’t mean to scare you! =D
first time i’ve seen a spider like this. thanks for dropping by 😉
Happy photo hunting! Mine’s up, too.
Its Creepy!
But Good One, Anyway!
Yikes, I don’t really like spider’s. This one is very unusual!
Excellent photo!
Whoa big butt sp(y)der. 😀
Beautiful shot and a lovely coloring on that critter.
Have a great week!
She looks liek one that used to spin a web outside my bedroom window when I was a kid.
Thanks everyone! See you on next week’s PH!
I hate and scare of SPIDERS…