In a span of almost 3 years, I have had 4 Sony Ericsson (SE) handyphones that I have really loved and used well. Among its series I had were the D750i, the W800i, the w580i and in photo, the K770i.
What I really like about SE phones, aside from the design and walkman feature, is their integration of the Cybershot cameras. Since photography is my passion, having an SE phone is always handy whenever I forget to bring my (bulky) camera. I got lots of comment (in my other blog) who were awed by the performance of SE phone cameras!
Since I am to extend my contract 2 months from now, I am thinking of getting the C905 which boasts of an 8.3 megapixel camera or simply the hyped about X1.
Otherwise, I’d look each of this phone up at 3 Deals (, hope they have something I’m looking for.