Two years before Steve Jobs bought Pixar, then known as The Graphic Group from Lucasilm, the first computer animated short was released and it marked the beginning of a successful animation history. The film was by award-winning animator John Lasseter intended for his son. Although this short is not technically a Pixar at that time but Lasseter is best known for Pixar so— oh, you get what I mean.
The film depicts the story of André, an unknown creature being awakened by a bee, Wally B. Annoyed, André distracts the bee so he can run away but Wally B followed him and stung him (off screen). Wally B. is later seen with a bent stinger flying away to the other side of the screen. André, still unseen tossed his hat at Wally B. as a mockery.
The film runs about 1:53 minutes complete with credits and released in December 1984 and shown in Brazil in 1985. Would you really believe this 3d piece was made in 1984? I bet you knew Back to the Future but not this one…