There’s been much debate on this, and I see lots of bloggers changing their layouts optimizing it for search engines. The little home I have is no exception. If you have noticed I have changed layouts more than 3 times this year, I wanted a simple, clean layout that is easy to navigate but the husband, a web designer, doesn’t approve of this.
However, being the busy bee that he is, he can’t sit on this and make a decent one. He did gave me a tip: black background with white fonts is easier to read. His programmer friend seemed to disagree though; “white background, black fonts!” was the strict answer.Aesthetic or Traffic? Well, why not both? *sigh* I noticed that the page loads slower but I’m anyway sticking to this layout for now…unless I see another one that interests me more. Well, there are lots of websites and web designers sites that help noobs like me understand these things. N30 web design’s newly revamp site displays both easy navigation with their clickable tabs and clean but effective layout, no overpowering images or crazy buttons to confuse visitors. Try and see their sample works that are targeted to each business or personal need.