Sometime ago, I was hosting a bi-monthly project-sort-of contest…the SAHM project. Mommies do a home project with the kids every first and 15th of the month and we show each other vie our blogs. Back then, some swarovski crystals and hello kitty bags were the prizes. I had to stop because I do not know how to raise money to buy the prizes needed for the contest. 🙁 I don’t have any fundraising ideas to promote so the project was put to a halt.
Lately though, I am getting ideas from my elder son. He came home with a piece of paper asking them to choose a postcard to buy, the proceeds will be donated to a charity. Cutely enough, the postcards were those of cute little pets, and which kid could resist that? I think this is part of the PTO fundraisers campaign. The school organizes a School day once a year and they of course needed funds for this. Last year, we weren’t able to attend the event as we had to fly to the Philippines for an emergency…This year, I hope I’d be able to attend and pick some more ideas on raising funds… 😉