Yellow snail (with) a ladybird.
October 2, 2007; Wien
“By perseverance the snail reached the ark.” -Charles H. Spurgeon
Not that these two are in a race, they just happen to be on the same leaf at the same time. lol.
Hmmm…I wonder how did I persevere to have finally enter the ark? (Genesis 7:16; Revelation 18:4)
Wow…I played with snails when I was a kid. Wala nga lang yellow snails dito. This is a beautiful photo…two interesting creatures in their natural environment. 😀
I’m a little confused Luna, were are you based right now? I played with them too, but bigger ones with striped yellow/black shells…hihi. The kids love watching them around, I’ll post some more, stripes na white and black. Thanks a lot for your comments!
I live in Makati…work in Ortigas, grew up in Negros.:D Yes, that’s the one I used to play with as a kid in my grandfather’s backyard—striped yellow and black snails. My male cousins would put salt on the snails and I would wash the salt away.
Ah, you must have nice shoes that has taken you to many places Luna…=) Ouch for the snails =( Good thing you got a good heart!
That’s a beautiful photograph! I am inspired and might take photography more seriously.
BTW, I’m also a SAHM who never gets bored, there’s always something to occupy my waking hours.:)
Also, thanks for visiting my blog.
Hi Oggi! Thanks for your warm comments! I actually wrote firts for the intro for the SAHM article ‘Being a SAHM is not boring…’ I should have stuck to that!
Yes, point and shoot that cam! Thanks too for visiting! TC!