What is with the cardigan? This variation of a sweater, which is also called a pull together, usually has an open front. Nevertheless, many styles have rows of button in front, from top to hem, while others have a zipped front. Of course, the more notable cardigans are those with two, three, or four buttons that start at midriff and down to the hem. This piece of clothing has become an invaluable piece of every woman’s (and man’s) wardrobe. So much so, that it ranks up there with the LBD or little black dress. It’s a must-have; a classic piece of clothing that should never go MIA in your wardrobe, and mine, too.
At Peter Hahn, you’ll find a variety of cardigans in different styles, designs, and colors. If you’re not a traditional wearer of cardigans, you might consider yourself grouped with those naysayers who think cardigans are useless. However, before you jump to conclusions and make hasty decisions, you might want to do a double take and look at the cardigan for what it really is – a versatile piece of clothing that can, eventually, be a lifesaver for you. And for inspiration, the Duchess of Cambridge is sure to have a handful of them.
There are a number of instances when a cardigan becomes necessary. You probably have a form fitting dress that leaves little to the imagination, one that you realized you can’t wear to just about anywhere lest you want to be labeled an ‘inappropriate dresser’. You could tone the dress down by wearing a cardigan over it, concealing the places that need to be hidden, and making the entire outfit look ‘proper’. Alternatively, you probably have a pair of trousers that you suddenly decided is to mannish. Try to add a prim and lady-like touch to it by wearing a cardigan.
What we’re trying to establish here is the fact that a cardigan can be worn (or thrown) on/over almost any piece of clothing you own, and the best part of it is, you’re not at risk of smothering the effect of what you’re wearing beneath it. If you suddenly feel chilly, you can just pull on a cardigan to ward of the cold. Was there a sudden rise in the temperature, making you all warm and rosy-cheeked from the heat? Pop a few of you cardigan’s buttons and you’re good to go.
Try browsing this year’s autumn Peter Hahn collection of cardigans to find a style that suits you. They have cashmere, round-neck, high-neck, V-neck cardigans, and some other variations of the cardigan. They have printed cardigans that would look great when worn with a dark denim shirt and white pants. Add a couple of gold accessories to create a sweet-flirty, trendy look that’s perfect for Sunday brunch. Choose one of the solid-colored cardigans, perhaps a red one to go with a navy top, a light scarf, slacks, and nude flats (if it gets colder, you can always wear boots). This could be the perfect, comfortable, and stylish outfit you need to keep you warm while in transit on an airplane. Finally, choose a cardigan in a pale or light color to play up the patterned button-up shirt and dark slacks you normally wear to the office.
The possibilities are endless where cardigans are concerned. You’d be surprised at the number of awesome outfits you could mix and match with your cardigans. So bring out the inner fashionista in you and start experimenting with your wardrobe.